Ahmed Osman tells us about the destruction of all knowledge around the end of the 4th Century Ad as a result of Roman edicts and the desire to make people into sheep to herd as they saw fit. "The Serapeum Nike Lunar Scontate , originally established by the Ptolemies, later became also a centre for Gnostic communities, both Hermetic and Christian. Some Gnostic Christian sects grew out from within the cult of Serapis, and made no distinction between Christ and Serapis. With the destruction of the Serapeum, not only Egyptian knowledge was lost, but also Mesopotamian Nike M2K Tekno Scontate , Syrian, Phoenician, Jewish, and Greek. The whole scientific achievement of the old civilizations, regarded as heresy by Bishop Theophilus, disappeared in a single day: books on Astronomy Nike React Scontate , Anatomy, Medicine, Geometry, Geography, History, Philosophy Nike Shox Scontate , Theology, Literature, as well as copies of the early Gnostic gospels of Christ. The result was the beginning of the Dark Ages, which lasted for more than ten centuries after that. All branches of science, as well as heretic writings that did not adhere to the teaching of the orthodox Church, were forbidden by the state. This left the canonic books of the Scripture to be the main source of our knowledge until the Renaissance in the fifteenth century." (1)
The Ptolemies Nike Air Zoom Scontate , including the many Cleopatras such as the one that was a consort of King Juba, owned massive tracts of land and enterprises in other lands. This is in addition to the control of Egypt and was separate from that. I have read they owned a full fifth of the African continent. These elites did not have to disclose their personal fortunes or cronyistic involvements to the people who worshipped them. They often were alchemists and practitioners of great magic including mind-fogging. Cleopatra Ptolemy was a mesmeric 'speaker' of note, for example. Ptolemy got Manetho to do a history showing he was related to the De Danaan named Hercules (Herakles). Unfortunately this Kings List that serves the Bible Narrative is fraught with propaganda. Ptolemy made a map of the Mediterranean which he and his progeny forced all people to think was accurate. It was still used by Hadji Ahmed in the 16th Century recreation of a map of the world.
In books like The Iceman Inheritance by Michael Bradley we have evidence of Africans in South America long before 10,000 years ago. The ancient Zimbabwean structures of South Africa and the Namibian deep mines dated to 45,000 years ago would indicate long before white man existed there were cultures well enough advanced to do all we think our vaunted Classical Civilization invented. The book Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Volume II The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence is part of why I refute Timbuktu being so recent as what follows http://www.sportivenikescontate.it/ , from the Smithsonian and Library of Congress. I think the one they refer to is just named after a far far earlier culture. The Hellenizing plagiarism of the Greeks is a large part of what the Eurocentrism of today's prejudices are based upon.
"'The Library of Congress is pleased to exhibit these important cultural artifacts from Mali as part of a continuing effort to create a universal collection reflecting human endeavor from all geographic areas and historical eras,' said Librarian of Congress James H. Billington.
Copies of the manuscripts in the exhibition will become part of the Library's extensive Africana collection, which contains several ancient West African manuscripts similar to those in the exhibition. Among the items on display are 'Kashf al-Gummah fi Nafa al-Ummah' (Important Stars in the Multitudes of the Heavens), an astronomy text copied at Timbuktu in 1733; 'Arbab al-Khartumi, al-Jawahir al-Hissan fi Marifat Arkan al-Iman' (A Jewel of Beauty for Learning the Pillars of Faith), a text book for teaching the basic tenets of Islam and 'Said Ahmad ibn Amar a-Raqadi al-Tumbukti al-Kunti Scarpe Nike Saldi , Shifa al-Saqam al-Aridah fi al-Zahir wa al-Batin' (Curing Defects and Diseases, Both Apparent and Hidden), a study of diseases, their remedies, and medications.
Though known to African communities for generations, the recognition of these texts by Western academics has created a breakthrough in recent scholarship. Once believed to be solely based on oral tradition Scarpe Nike Italia , African culture has also been passed down through a rich literary tradition as evidenced by the existence of these manuscripts.
The manuscripts address a wide range of subjects such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, secular literature and Koranic teachings. Written primarily in Arabic by local authors, the majority of the works are privately held, often by descendants of the original scholars. The manuscripts in the exhibition are from two of the most noteworthy private collections in the region-the Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library and the Library of Cheick Zayni Baye of Boujbeha.
Situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert in West Africa Scarpe Nike Scontate , the legendary city of Timbuktu, Mali, was founded in 1100 A.D. For more than 600 years, Timbuktu was one of the world's most important commercial centers due to its central location on trans-Saharan trade routes. Timbuktu's universities and mosques attracted scholars throughout the continent, making it a spiritual, intellectual and literary center whose influences reached beyond the borders of present-day Mali to encompass Western and Northern Africa Scarpe Nike Running Scontate , the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Public libraries grew from the original works of these scholars and through importation of books. Remnants of this rich history and culture survive to this day through the ancient manuscripts of Timbuktu's desert libraries." (2)